Units of Study
Units 2023-24
(approximately 8 lessons / unit at 55 minutes / lesson)
Month Unit Number Unit
Aug. 1 Community Building
Class Expectations, Teamwork
Curb challenge, maze runner, Human knot
Sept. 2 Fundamental Motor Skills and Skills Combination (Outdoor)
Hand / Eye and Foot / Eye Coordination Games (Ult. Frisbee / Kickball)
Manipulative / Object Control: Emphasize throwing and catching in games
Oct. 3 Invasion & Territory Games (Outdoor)
Ultimate Football, 3 vs 3 modified soccer / flag football / etc games.
Team Strategies and Tactics
Nov. 4 Net/Wall Games I
Pickleball, Eclipse, King of the court (challenge to 3 points), 4 square,
mini games, rally challenge,
Team Strategies and Tactics, Communication
Dec. 5 Target Games
Recreation games (cornhole, rampshot, kanjam, disc golf)
*Speedball is also delivered through this unit to students can get their
heart rate up and revisit invasion tactics during breaks from target games.
Jan. 6 Fundamental Motor Skills and Skills Combination II (Indoor)
Hand Eye Coordination (Volleyball / Basketball)
Dead fish, circle challenge, eclipse / marbles, line tag, knock out, around the world, 3 on 3 challenge
Feb. 7 Net/Wall Games II / Large Group Games
Badminton, Large Group games: Yoshi, Jurassic Park, Secret Agent tag, /
rally challenge, king of court, eclipse, 4 square
Mar. 8 Physical Fitness Testing
PACER, curl-ups, push-ups, sit and reachApr. 9 Striking and Fielding Games
Sock-ball, Kickball, Home Run derby, Wacky ball (indoors)
May 10 Track and field
100, 50, soccer kick, frisbee throw